Counselor Mom

Mom and childAt Home With Our Faith

Reflections on the Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of Easter - John 14: 15-21

In those last precious days the spent with Jesus on earth, the disciples realized how much he meant to them, how much they needed his strength. Jesus promised them a Counselor, the Holy Spirit, who would keep him alive in their hearts and guide them day by day. Jesus continues to show himself to us in those we love and who love us. For you, this person may have been your mom or dad or a grandparent. 

We hope that all children will have such counselors, a special person who reveals God's love and guidance to us. Not only did they teach us to say our prayers and make the sign of the cross and kneel up straight in church, they showed us the face of Christ when they beamed with pride as we received that diploma or hit our first home run. They could make us aware of what we ought to do without saying a word; they just gave us "the Look." God's gracious love was in their tactful suggestions and their pointed directions, in their playful teasing when we got too self-important, in their comforting touch when we were hurt or sick. When God promised his followers "another Counselor," he meant that Holy Spirit to come to us sometimes through Mom or Dad or Grandma or Grandpa.

Does someone need you to be their counselor now? How will you manifest Christ to them?

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