Mountain tops

Second Sunday of Lent 2017 -  At Home In Our Faith

Matthew 17:1-9

From the top of the mountain, the apostles, future leaders of God's people, saw more clearly God's glorious plan for them. They saw the Promised land. They heard the divine call to enter a new life in God. The experience would animate them through Good Friday an d the hard days to come. When all was dark, they remembered the mountain and glory. We all need mountain-top experiences to keep us going and give us hope.

We need to hear good news and read good books. We need good friends to encourage and support us. We need to spend time with old friends and take lazy vacations. We need to play with children and hold babies and hear soaring music. We need to have some times of joy to call to mind in times when life feels empty of joy and full of confusion. Otherwise, our personal struggles and disappointments will seem endless. Lent offers us a way up the mountain. Who will take us there? Jesus, of course. Who will he use for his mission: You.

Let us pray for one another and remember to do what we can to lift one another up. 

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