Renewing Member

Choose your Program Guide from the drop-down menu. If you have already received your guide from your group leader, check "Received Guide from Leader-Do Not Send a Guide." 

Annual dues are $50/family. CFM is a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit organization. All donations are appreciated and are tax deductible.

* A paper form is also available to print and mail along with a check for your dues. If you are a group leader, donating for multiple families, please use this spreadsheet to send us a list of your members. We will make sure they are in our system as "Active Members." Send to [email protected].

Thank you! Your family has experienced the gift of CFM and you want to continue as active members of the MOVEMENT.  Your annual dues sustain your membership in a world-wide family of missionary disciples and supports the mission of Christian Family Movement.

Who's donating

Paul Steven Famador
Barbara Zekany
Fernando and Mary Sue Ortiz
Robert Palazzolo
Jim and Barb Skufis
Maria Galles
John Harburg
John Harburg
John and Lauri Przybysz
Thomas Overbay
Phillip Meyerhofer
Sarah Baldelomar
Allie Brock
Travis Clark
Anthony Hill
Adam and Diana Roth
Robert Palazzolo
Kimberly and Jeffrey Klepec
Tom and Marilyn Birkelo
Paul Steven Famador
Marcus and Emily Cavanagh
Fran Matthews
Gwen Liston
Mark Havermann
Doug and Marcia Swiss
Liberatus DeRosa
Ann Bouchard
Ronald Mowers
Francis Maly
Bob and Bonnie Gelina
Donating members choose one program book per year .
