Renewing Member
Choose your Program Guide from the drop-down menu. If you have already received your guide from your group leader, check "Received Guide from Leader-Do Not Send a Guide."
Annual dues are $50/family. CFM is a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit organization. All donations are appreciated and are tax deductible.
* A paper form is also available to print and mail along with a check for your dues. If you are a group leader, donating for multiple families, please use this spreadsheet to send us a list of your members. We will make sure they are in our system as "Active Members." Send to [email protected].
Thank you! Your family has experienced the gift of CFM and you want to continue as active members of the MOVEMENT. Your annual dues sustain your membership in a world-wide family of missionary disciples and supports the mission of Christian Family Movement.
Who's donating