Humble Beginning
At Home with Our Faith
Matthew 11:25-30
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart." Jesus urges us to have an attitude of humility. What does that mean for you?
St. Theresa of Lisieux tells of a sister in her convent who challenged her ability to remain meek, “who managed to irritate me whatever she did or said.” “As I did not want to give way to my natural dislike for her, I told myself that charity should not only be a matter of feeling but should show itself in deeds, “ Theresa noted. “So I set myself to do for this sister just what I should have done for someone I loved most dearly. …I tried to do as many things for her as I could and whenever I was tempted to speak unpleasantly to her, I made myself give her a pleasant smile.” But Therese admitted that when she couldn’t muster up a big smile, she would slip away quickly, fleeing “like a soldier deserting a battlefield.”
Read moreBeing litte
At Home with Our Faith
Matthew 10:37-42
Jesus assures us, "If you give one of these little ones a cup of water because that one is a disciple, you has be rewarded." Who are the little ones among us in our parishes? Kids come to mind first. Think of the scene in church on Sunday and think of some of our little ones: Toddlers squirming out of Dad's arms, infants snoozing blissfully, infants wailing, preteens with slick hair from the last minute shower. How are we welcoming them? How accepting are we? Yet, aren't we all little in some way?
Read moreAttention to Detail
At Home with Our Faith
Matthew 10:26-33
How do you imagine God? Is God the CEO of earth, grand and only concerned with the Big Issues of life, like birth, death, and taxes? Even though we profess to be Jesus' disciples, we sometimes act like we are on our own to muddle through life. We think we can get by with extra careful planning, or by working harder, or just by luck, without getting God involved. Do we think that God doesn't deal with the small stuff? This Sunday's gospel urges us to believe otherwise.
Read moreNext Communion
At Home with Our Faith
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord - John 6:51-58
During the Easter Season, we witnessed the First Communions of many of our little ones. Memories of our own First Communion came back, a jumble of images and emotions. Though we may only remember who sat beside us or how tight our new shoes were, we know it was an important day. Many more Communions later, what does the Eucharist mean to you? Whether we have been coming to the Lord's table for a few weeks or for decades, Eucharist has affected us, whether we are aware of it or not. What are the effects?
Read moreSaved for Greatness
At Home with Our Faith
John 3:16-18
Who is God? What is God like? Ever since God first spoke to Abraham and Moses, people had part of the answer to those questions. The Hebrew Scriptures revealed how "other" than us God is. God is Lord of us, and we are not masters even of our own passions. The Psalms tell us that God is "merciful and gracious," and we must admit that we are usually neither. God is "slow to anger, full of love, and faithful." Tune into any family gathering, office conversation, or soap opera to measure human behavior! It's easy to lose faith in people when they have demonstrated how unlike God we can be. God is great, but where does that leave us? That is why the Gospel we see in the New Testament is such good news. God had more to say--and his Word became flesh.
Read moreIsolation Is Not an Option
Deacon Jim Miles, CFM in Ann Arbor, MI, writes:
There have been several books published recently lamenting the erosion of social values in the United States, and suggesting strategies for dealing with the challenges facing Christians in what is now called a post-Christian era. This designation is applied primarily to the developed western countries (US, Europe, and the UK), however, given that much of the support given to evangelization in the developing countries is coming from these more prosperous historical bastions of Christianity, and the aggressive efforts of various Muslim sects, Africa and Asia may soon feel the tide turning as well.
One of these books is The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher. Rod, according to what I have learned, started out Methodist, converted to Roman Catholicism, and then moved to one of the Eastern Rite Churches. He is a “Conservative” and based upon what I have read of his book an idealist who feels that our society is on a path he likens to the fall of the Roman Empire. He proposes a solution in his book loosely based on the Rule of St. Benedict.
When we get past all of the rhetoric that paints his bleak picture of our society and political system, a picture I don’t necessarily disagree with, his advice to Christians is to become somewhat isolationistic. Pull back behind virtual monastic walls, forming like-minded small communities that provide mutual support and mutual accountability, insuring that classic Christian values are not eroded within those walls.
What Rod Dreher describes is really just the age-old Christian paradox which says we must stay apart from the world but reach out to it, bringing the Good News to those who need it. There are many ways to live out this paradoxical instruction and Rod Dreher has landed upon the monastic option and tried to apply it to modern living. I believe the process he recommends reflects his own spiritual journey, from protestant to pre-reformation, to pre-Constantine schism. He may eventually arrive at the early Christian communal model.
The Christian Family Movement (CFM) has developed its own response to the eroding secular value system.
Read moreFear not!
At Home with Our Faith
Pentecost Sunday – John 20:19-23
The Risen Jesus announces himself with the same message that angels proclaimed to the shepherds at the beginning of his life, “Do not be afraid!” The essence of the Gospel message can be condensed to that phrase. Jesus brings with him Peace. Jesus comes into the world to dispel fear and death by his very presence among us. Because he lives, we are freed from death. Considering the daily news, we dearly need to recognize the living Lord. He calls the disciples, and us today in our families and at work, to live like we know this is true.
Read moreFellow workers
At Home With Our Faith
Reflections on the Gospel for the Seventh Sunday of Easter - John 17:1-11
Before ascending to the Father, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and prayed for the infant Church. The first leaders of our Church were just simple people who might have preferred to remain hiding in the upper room. They were afraid of getting involved. However, Jesus had every confidence in them. He could say of them, "I am glorified in them." Instead of focusing on their weaknesses, Jesus saw their possibilities and enkindled the fire of God's love in their hearts. He will do the same for us, if we are willing.
Read moreCounselor Mom
At Home With Our Faith
Reflections on the Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of Easter - John 14: 15-21
In those last precious days the spent with Jesus on earth, the disciples realized how much he meant to them, how much they needed his strength. Jesus promised them a Counselor, the Holy Spirit, who would keep him alive in their hearts and guide them day by day. Jesus continues to show himself to us in those we love and who love us. For you, this person may have been your mom or dad or a grandparent.
Read moreNever Homeless
Reflections on the Gospel for the Fifth Sunday of Easter - John 14:1-12
Jesus makes a promise to his disciples during his final days before the Ascension: ""Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father's house there are many dwelling places." He promises that we will always have a home. In your town, some people are struggling day by day; some have no stable home. The Good News of Jesus is for them, too.
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