At Home with Our Faith
Pentecost Sunday – John 20:19-23
The Risen Jesus announces himself with the same message that angels proclaimed to the shepherds at the beginning of his life, “Do not be afraid!” The essence of the Gospel message can be condensed to that phrase. Jesus brings with him Peace. Jesus comes into the world to dispel fear and death by his very presence among us. Because he lives, we are freed from death. Considering the daily news, we dearly need to recognize the living Lord. He calls the disciples, and us today in our families and at work, to live like we know this is true.
“The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." The Risen Jesus issued a call to action. With his very life-breath, he empowered them with the Holy Spirit to forgive sins and get to the business of spreading God’s love to their neighbors and to strangers in far off mission lands. Forgiving sins has to come first, if we are to begin to act like Jesus. Forgiving sins means seeing past peoples’ faults and failings and seeing in them what God finds loveable.
As we begin the season of Pentecost, reflect on the works of the apostles and support the actions of your group. At the end of each CFM meeting, decide on an action, write it down, and share it with one other member of the group. Members should then encourage, pray for, and remind each other of their chosen actions.
“Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”