Choose your membership type to continue registering:
- Choose your annual Program Guide from the drop-down menu.
- Subscribe to weekly Marriage Moments and/or Parenting Pointers (optional)
- Contribute to CFM.
New Member - $10/family
Renewing Member - $40/family. Your additional donations are appreciated, too. Choose the amount you wish to give.
Why Membership Matters - Your annual dues will effectively renew your membership for 1 year.
Contribute additional support to CFM at one of the following donation levels.
Your donation effectively renews your membership in CFM for one year. Choose a program Guide as our thanks to you.
One-time Donation
"Please use my gift to support large projects..."
Recurring Donation
"I want to ensure CFM continues for generations. Please sign me up for $__ per month."
CFM Foundation
"I want to help CFM to permanently sustain itself for future generations."