Reflections on the Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent -- Mark 13: 33-37
Advent blesses us with the reminder that we must be always watching out for God’s saving activity in the world. With all the negative events we see or experience every day, we need to stay on our toes if we are to stay hopeful. Jesus told his disciples “You do not know when the time will come,” when God will do a great work in the world—and a great work in each of us. Jesus helps us understand what he means by telling the parable of the servants left in charge during their master’s absence.
In the parable, each servant “has his own work.” We each need to be about our own work, using our particular talents, as members of families and as members of society. Each in our own way are able to make a difference for the good, as God’s humble servants. So, stay vigilant for your next opportunity to serve God as he has equipped you to do. God will call upon us at times we may not expect, so we need to be watchful for the message. God’s summons may sound like a crying child or a surly teenager or lonely parent. We may recognize a call to action on the political news or on the financial pages. In doing this work, little by little, we participate in the coming of the Kingdom of our loving God. Will we be ready to respond as God desires?