Humble Beginning

Depositphotos_144047717_m-2015.jpgAt Home with Our Faith

Matthew 11:25-30

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart." Jesus urges us to have an attitude of humility. What does that mean for you?  

St. Theresa of Lisieux tells of a sister in her convent who challenged her ability to remain meek, “who managed to irritate me whatever she did or said.” “As I did not want to give way to my natural dislike for her, I told myself that charity should not only be a matter of feeling but should show itself in deeds, “ Theresa noted. “So I set myself to do for this sister just what I should have done for someone I loved most dearly. …I tried to do as many things for her as I could and whenever I was tempted to speak unpleasantly to her, I made myself give her a pleasant smile.” But Therese admitted that when she couldn’t muster up a big smile, she would slip away quickly, fleeing “like a soldier deserting a battlefield.” 

What over time was the result? St. Therese says, "After all this she asked me one day with a beaming face: ‘Sister Therese, will you please tell me what attracts you so much to me? You give me such a charming smile whenever we meet.’ Ah! It was Jesus hidden in the depth of her soul who attracted me, Jesus who makes the bitterest things sweet.”

Even if we lived alone, there would be times when we would annoy ourselves. Who hasn’t done something sinful and then been angry with himself or herself about that choice? Meekness is the virtue that helps us be honest with ourselves about our mistakes. Let Jesus living in our soul be an attracting force.

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