At Home with Our Faith
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord - John 6:51-58
During the Easter Season, we witnessed the First Communions of many of our little ones. Memories of our own First Communion came back, a jumble of images and emotions. Though we may only remember who sat beside us or how tight our new shoes were, we know it was an important day. Many more Communions later, what does the Eucharist mean to you? Whether we have been coming to the Lord's table for a few weeks or for decades, Eucharist has affected us, whether we are aware of it or not. What are the effects?
Receiving Jesus revives us. When we reconnect with Jesus, really present in Holy Communion, we receive strength to go on when life is difficult and people have failed us. Jesus whom we receive has been the power behind our good decisions and a comfort when we have made big mistakes. We are called to remember what Jesus did at the Last Supper to experience anew the presence of the Lord. The past is remembered in order to make it present, and in doing so the life of the Lord is made present again for the benefit of the people -- not only of us who receive him, but of those who we seek to love and serve. Empowered by this Heavenly Food, we receive energy to be Christ's hands and feet in the world.