Family-Fun.jpgNew Member 

Welcome to CFM! We are glad that you are joining or starting a new group.

Choose your program guide from the drop-down menu below and pay $25/family dues online for the first year.
* A paper membership form is also available to print and mail along with your dues.  

Are you the leader starting a new CFM group? Please print and complete this Group List and email it to [email protected].
Most groups start with For Happier Families or Meeting Jesus Changes Everything, but you may choose any title from the CFM Library. 

CFM is a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit organization. Dues for new members for the first year are $25/family; Annual renewal is $50/family. All donations are appreciated and are tax deductible.



Who's donating

Richard Schwind
Brett and Emily Kopetsky
jeff cua
jeff cua
Chris Sella
Fr. Douglas Robertson
Marianne Flores
Katherine Benne
Daniel Schaefer
Patrick Leaman
Karen Howard
Laura Bryant
Patty Volp
Melissa Martinez
Thomas Orzechowski
Michael Linn
Sonya Swift
Gerald Manoharan
Sarah Leinart
Allie Brock
Dana Mierzwicki
Courtney Richardson
Elizabeth Hoffman
Michael and Sarah Gatica
Travis Clark
Timothy Carpenter
Kate McAleer
Joe Litke
Amy and Matt Klump
Augie and Trena Pacetti
Donating members choose one program book per year .
