The Baptism of Jesus

The Nazareth Page - A gospel meditation for your home

January 12, 2025 -The Baptism of the Lord

Luke 3:15-22

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The gospels draw a sharp distinction between John the Baptist and Jesus. This was not intended to downgrade the ministry of John the Baptist, but to contrast it with what Jesus did. The work of Jesus was more important than John’s. And this can be shown especially by how the evangelist, Luke, describes the baptism of each. It’s interesting to note that there is no record of Jesus ever baptizing anyone.


Here I want to point out the profound meaning of the baptism of Jesus by using the gospel expression that the baptism of Jesus was of the Holy Spirit and fire. There’s no mention of water but given the early sacramental ministry of the followers of Jesus, we can assume its presence in the rite.


So, three aspects of baptism come to mind. First, it is achieved by God’s Spirit. Second, it is done using water in some form. And finally, it is associated with fire. Symbolism is very important to communicate the full meaning of the baptism of Jesus.


Like our own existence, the baptism of Jesus is a work of God. We do not create ourselves. Let’s set aside the important role of our parents and think of what or who is ultimately responsible for our existence. It is God employing God’s creative power. You and I come from the mind and heart of God. Baptism encompasses this belief. We are children of God at the deepest level of our existence. This can be expressed in our being baptized.


Next, let’s reflect on the use of water. Water is absolutely necessary for life to come forth on all rocky planets. Cosmologists are earnestly searching for life existing beyond Planet Earth and what they first seek is water. We also know that human life was originally established here in proximity to water. We remain healthy because we consume uncontaminated water. We need water to live. Without it, we die. Baptism is a ritual which points this out.


Finally, the baptism of Jesus is associated with fire. Again, I think of what St. Francis called “Brother Sun.” All energy on Earth, which we need to survive, comes from the light and heat generated by the Sun. Without the sun’s “fire,” we would die is seconds. So, to live right now, we need the support of God, water from our earthly home and fire from the sun. All gifts from God. All there in the baptism of Jesus. And even more. A promise of eternal life with God.

David M. Thomas, PhD     

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