One-Time Donation

Holy Family windowThe mission of the Christian Family Movement is

  • to promote Christ-centered marriage and family life;
  • to help individuals and their families to live the Christian faith in everyday life; and
  • to improve society through actions of love, service, education and example.

Your donation supports the mission.  Click here for more details on what your donation can do.

Who's donating

Vernon Schaefer
Darcie Tallman
Daniel Argano
Charles Rogers
Corey and Ann Marie Brown
Thomas Pluta
Rick and Cheryl Weitzel
Philip and Kathy Lannon
Bj Walraven
Brian and Mary Ann Thelen Thelen
Brian and Mary Ann Thelen Thelen
John and Lauri Przybysz
Larry and Karen Rosolowski
Rick and Cheryl Weitzel
Jeff and Katie Utech
Thomas Pluta
Bob and Bonnie Gelina
Mike and Cathy Glazzy
Pam Kuzel
Brian and Mary Ann Thelen Thelen
Adam and Diana Roth
Pam Kuzel
Brian and Mary Ann Thelen Thelen
Dean Sandell
Pam Kuzel
Pam Kuzel
Fernando and Mary Sue Ortiz
Steve and Pam Silva
Lakhi & Brenda Goenka
Pam Kuzel
