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Alphabetical Topic List
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Current Publications
Visit the Program Books Description page to explore and request the following titles:
For Happier Families (FHF) – Introductory Program Book
- Your Family, Loved by God (Love, by God)
- Using Time Faithfully (Time stewardship)
- Making Family Memories (Traditions, family)
- Caring for our Relationships (Relationships)
- In the World, but Not of it (Living in the world)
- Be My Witnesses (Faith, growth and sharing)
- Serving as Jesus Did (Service)
- Following Christ Together (Disciple, choosing to be)
Prayer for the Kitchen Table
The Family – A Revelation of God’s Love (FR) – 2022
- Our Families: God’s Tool in Modeling His Love to Others – God reveals himself by using family terms
- Our Families: Messy at Times, Yet Loved by God - Every family is divinely assembled. Holy doesn’t mean perfect.
- The CFM Family: A Family of Families in a Parish – The parish is to resemble the family.
- The CFM Family: Making Life Choices by Informing our Conscience – Discernment and conscience
- The Christian Family: An Epiphany of God’s Unconditional Love to the World - The family manifests God
- The Christian Family: A School of Faith, Hope, Love and Charity – The family is the first school to live in society
- The CFM Family: Witnessing God’s Eternal Love in the 21st Century – Maintaining the mission of the family in the midst of change
- The CFM Family: Living the OJA Lifestyle – Making OJA a way of life
Living the Beatitudes Today – (LBT) – 2021 (The Beatitudes – Matthew 5:3-11)
- Relying on God – Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- Where is God in Troubles Times? – Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
- Disciplined Strength – Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the land.
- Righteousness – Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
- I’m Not Perfect, You’re Not Perfect – Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy. (Compassion)
- Eyes on the Prize – Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God. (Contemplation, Commitment, Fidelity)
- Reconciling – Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Conflict Resolution)
- Standing in There – Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me. (Suffering and Sacrifice have meaning here and now, as well as in time to come.)
Love in Action (LIA) 2020
- Life and the Dignity of the Person (Dignity of life)
- Call to Family, Community, Participation (common good, subsidiarity)
- Rights and Responsibilities (rights, responsibilities, common good)
- Option for the Poor and Vulnerable (poor, vulnerable, preferential option, justice)
- Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers (work/workers – dignity of)
- Solidarity (solidarity, accompaniment)
- Care for God’s Creation (creation-caring for, environment)
- We Can Make a Difference (service, making a difference)
Together for Good (TFG) 2019
- Family as Church in the World: Living Courageously (Active Christianity, families as evangelizers, domestic church)
- Caregiving: The Job that Never Ends (caregiving)
- Intentional Communication: Affirmation and Criticism (communication, affirmation, criticism)
- Reaching out to do Good (reaching out, volunteering, serving)
- Dealing with Conflict (conflict, reconciliation)
- Managing Technology (technology)
- Family Spirituality (family spirituality, family prayer, Sabbath)
- Family Fun and Adventure: Unbusying Ourselves for What Matters (fun, leisure, rest)
Embracing the Mission (ETM) - 2018
1. Called to Be Disciples: Living, professing and bearing witness to our faith (discipleship, following Jesus)
2. Forming Our Families to Be Disciples: Following our calling as Domestic Church (families of disciples, domestic church)
3. The Everyday Vocation of the Lay Disciple: Becoming missionaries and catechists by and in our laboring life (vocation of the laity, evangelization by the laity)
4. Transforming Discipleship through Education and Action: Clarifying the mission through Observe, Judge, Act (social inquiry method, education/formation through action)
5. The Disciple’s Call to Serve: Learning to help one another with love and discernment (service)
6. Disciples as Forgiven Forgivers: Renewal through repentance, remembrance, and reconciliation (forgiveness, reconciliation)
7. Solidarity: The Global Dimension of Discipleship: Engaging the world outside our immediate community (solidarity, evangelization, accompaniment)
8. Called to Be Disciples, Together with Other Families: Nurturing our CFM community and helping it to grow (small faith communities)
Family & Community Meetings: Working Together, Hunger Banquet, Caring for God’s Creation
Walking Together: Brothers and Sisters Responding to Racism - 2018
1. Opening Hearts
2. Seeking Peace
3. Witnessing Love
Loving the Family God Gives Us (LFGGU) – 2017
- Who Am I? Why Do I Exist? (identity, purpose, self-esteem, self-concept)
- Begotten of a Man (fathers and our relationship with them)
- Born of a Woman (mothers and our relationship with them)
- The Heart of a Man (masculinity, brotherhood)
- The Heart of a Woman (femininity, sisterhood)
- Brothers and Sisters (cooperation, sibling rivalry)
- Complementarity (male and female complementarity, gender)
- Intimacy in Our Relationships (intimacy-between who?)
- Love in the Extended Family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, godparents/godchildren)
- Remembering Our Common Condition (importance of the child)
Bonus Meeting: A Child’s Perfect Love (love, obedience)
Meeting Jesus Changes Everything (MJ) – 2016
- Finding Good Friends – The Man with Paralysis (Friendship, Intercession)
- Risking Meeting Strangers – The Woman at the Well (Welcoming the stranger, stereotypes)
- Believing in Times of Doubt – Thomas the Apostle (Doubt and Faith, Despair and Hope)
- Overcoming Obstacles – Bartimaeus (Overcoming Obstacles, Fallen Away Catholics, Estrangement from the Church, Welcoming)
- Fathers Pointing the Way – Jairus (Fathers, Intercession)
- Practicing Hospitality – Elizabeth at the Visitation (Hospitality, Meeting Christ in others)
- Balancing Action and Contemplation – Martha and Mary (Balancing Action and Contemplation)
- Accepting Jesus’ Mission – Peter after the Resurrection (Mission, Equipping the Called, Evangelism)
Be a Light to the World: Christian Families Engage the Culture (BLW)- 2015
- I Have Chosen You: Sharing the Message of Christ with the World (Religious Freedom)
- All One in Christ Jesus: Our Diverse World (Differences – Appreciating racial, cultural, etc.)
- A Temple of the Holy Spirit: Virtuously Counteracting Over-Sexualization (Pornography, over-sexualization)
- The Snake in the Garden: Struggling with Addiction (Addiction)
- In the Image of God: Each Person an Intentional Creation (disadvantaged, marginalized, disabled, elderly, mentally ill, etc.)
- Our Brothers’ and Sisters’ Keepers: From Violence to Peace (Violence, Bullying)
- Nourished by the Word of Faith (family units - single parent, grandparent/grandchildren, same-sex)
- Come Follow Me: The False Allure of “Having it All” (self-entitlement, consumerism, material wealth and idolatry, exclusion/inclusion)
Our Marriage a Work in Progress (OMWP) 2014 – Digital Only
- Make Conversation a Priority (spousal communication)
- Take Time for your Marriage (prioritize time with your spouse)
- Evaluate Your Money Management (Money management)
- Energize Your Relationship (Keeping romance and vitality in your marriage)
Our Marriage a Spiritual Journey (OMSJ) 2014 - Digital Only
- Covenantal Love, Sacramental Sign (covenantal love, sacramental sign/grace)
- Couple’s Spirituality (couple prayer/spirituality)
- Children and Parents Grow Together (children and the spousal relationship)
- United to Serve Others (Serving together as a couple)
Wisdom and Grace for Marriage and Parenting (WGMP) 2013 – Digital Only
- Parenting, Building Happier Families
- Parenting, Love and Communication
- Parenting, Respecting Differences
- Parenting, Sacramental Foundations
We Hold These Treasures (WHTT) 2013
- Following Jesus: The Source of Christian Stewardship (Conversion, Discipleship, Stewardship)
- Growing in Holiness: The Stewardship of Self (Self stewardship)
- Sharing Your Gifts: Natural Talents and Spiritual Charisms (talents, charisms stewardship)
- If You Wish to Be Perfect: Embracing Simplicity (Simplicity)
- Treasuring Your Loved Ones: The Gift of Family (Stewards of our families)
- Loving Our Neighbors, Living in Solidarity (Solidarity)
- Caring for God’s Creation (Stewards of nature)
- Growing in Grace: Nurturing the Call to Stewardship (Discipleship)
Connected Christian Living 2013 (CCL) – Digital Only
- Finding Solitude and giving our full attention in a networked world
- Intimacy and Privacy, Your marriage and social media
- Connectivity and our Children
Acting on Faith (AF) 2012
- Empowered by the Spirit (the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit)
- Living in Christian Community (Community, Fellowship)
- Seeing Signs and Wonders (Miracles)
- Bearing Witness to the Truth (Witnessing)
- Growing Through Suffering (Suffering)
- Healing Division (Division, Reconciliation)
- Trusting in God (Trust in God)
- Evangelism, Preaching Where We Are (Evangelism)
Ways to Grow CFM in Your Parish
The Spirit of Action
Supplemental Activities for Children or Families: A Program on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Saints: Friends of the Family – (SFF) 2011
1. Called to holiness (secondary topics spiritual guides, discerning God’s will)
- St. Francis de Sales (Faith, Passing it on to spouse and children (secondary topic religious vocations in the family)
- St. Monica
- St. Blessed Louis and Zellie Martin
2. Courage of conviction, home and civic duty
- St. Thomas More
3. Unity, among Christians
- St. Peter
- St. Paul
4. Ministry to those who are different than ourselves (secondary topics prejudice, immigration)
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- St. John Neumann
- St. Theodore Guerin
5. Prayer, forms practiced by the saints
- St. Therese of Avila
- St. Francis of Assisi
6. Loving the marginalized/outcast
- St. Damien
7. Raising Boys
- St. John Bosco
8. Hope (secondary topics suffering, depression, anxiety, mental illness)
- St. Josephine Bakhita
9. Responding to God (secondary topic discerning God’s will)
- St. Mary
- St. Joseph
Supplemental Chapter: Beatification/Canonization Process
Called to Wisdom (CtW) – 2009, 2010
- The Empty Nest, Where Have all the Children Gone
- For Better or for Worse, but not for Lunch, If Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder, What about Presence?
- Opportunities for Service, Closed Doors and Open Windows
- In Sickness and Health, Restructuring Dreams
- For Everything there is a Season, Facing our Diminished Lives Together
- For Richer, For Poorer, Starting from Now
- Under one Roof, All Grown up and Living Together
Coming of Age 2009 (CoA) – Digital only
- Life after the Children Leave: Making the Most of it (The Empty Nest-making the most of it)
- Honor Your Father and Mother: Caring for Aging Parents
- Intimacy: Issues of Love, Sex and Aging
- Retirement: A New Beginning or the End of the Road
- Grandparenting: Building Bonds with the Next Generation
Works of Mercy, Acts of Love (WoM) – 2009, edited 2016
- Instruct the ignorant, Counsel the doubtful
- Pray for the Living and the Dead: The Communion of the Saints
- Feed the hungry
- Give drink to the thirsty
- Clothe the naked
- Shelter the homeless
- Care, for the sick
- Comfort the sorrowful
- Visit the imprisoned
- Forgive offenses, Bear wrongs patiently
Supplemental Chapter - Admonish the sinner
Marriage Makes a Difference (MMaD) – 2008
- Marriage: Evidence of God’s Love (Marriage, complementarity; Secondary topic: same-sex unions)
- Marriage, Covenant (Secondary topic: annulments)
- Marriage, Living the example of God’s love
- Commitment (secondary topics infidelity, divorce)
- Procreation (secondary topics NFP, contraception, Children, supreme gift)
- Marriage, mutual respect (secondary topics struggling marriages, domestic violence)
- Domestic Church (secondary topic children contribute to sanctification of parents)
- Marriage, promotes health for individuals, children, society
- Marriage, a process, like multiple marriages with the same person
- Marriage, ideas to create a communal marriage celebration
CFM Archives
The following CFM Program titles are currently out of print and not available in digital format.
We invite you to Sign In and Join CFM to gain access to download a PDF scan of the following titles on the Supplemental Materials page. Our hope is that these meetings will spark fresh dialogue and action.
Families Choose Life (FCL) – 2007
- Life (in Christ – gift)
- Children (bringing them into the home)
- Life (dignity and value of each)
- Special people (special gifts, special needs and disabilities)
- Children at risk (opening our hearts)
- Stress (health and well-being)
- Good Samaritan (choosing to be)
- Aging (respect for)
- Illness and Death (Coming to grips)
Called to Justice (CTJ) - 2017 (digital)
- Family and Work Pressures
- Fairness in the Workplace
- Consumerism and Materialism
- Family as Church in the World
- Politics and the Christian Family
- In Thanksgiving, A Call to Stewardship
Intentional Christian Families (ICF) – 2006
- Time (for Family)
- Responsibility (Teaching)
- Vocation of Marriage (Its Value)
- Inclusion (Welcoming)
- Technology (Taming)
- Marriage (Mixed/Interreligious)
- Abundance (Materialism)
- Meeting (Write/Create Your Own)
- Media (Management)
- Fear (Post Traumatic Stress)
Homemade Disciples (HD – 2004)
- Sharing in Christ’s Mission (Church of the Home)
- Holy Family: Under Construction (Family, building)
- Growing Pains: Dealing with Conflict (Conflict, reconciliation)
- Educating for Love and Life (Teaching Love)
- Growing in Prayer (Praying together)
- Intimacy: Sharing Ourselves (Intimacy, sharing ourselves)
- Hospitality: Welcoming Children and Other Strangers (Welcoming)
- Serving as Jesus Did (Serving Together)
- More Laborers for the Harvest (Vocations in the family)
- Let’s Celebrate (Celebrations, value of)
What Every CFM Member Should Know, (CFM Past and Present)
Love Still Happens in Families (LSHF) - 2001
- Love Still Happens (love and family)
- The Story Within Us: Teaching Morals and Values to Our Children (Morals/Values Teaching)
- Honesty, A Family Meeting (Honesty – Family Meeting)
- Raising Healthy Children (discipline/love/example)
- Self-Respect: A Family Meeting (Self-Respect – Family Meeting)
- How Much is Enough for our Children? (Possessions and children)
- Prioritizing: Lord, What Would You Have Me Do? (Priorities)
- Parenting as a Vocation (Vocation-Parenting)
- The Gift of Fatherhood (Fatherhood and support of it)
- Angry Words/Healing Spirit (Anger Healing)
- When You are Angry: A Family Meeting (Anger – a Family Meeting)
- Healing and Forgiveness, An Evening of Reflection (Healing and Forgiveness – Evening of Reflection)
- Loss of Innocence (Innocence, loss of)
Taking the Time to Make a Difference (TTMD) – 1988, revised 1996
- My Time, My Treasure: Where Have all the Hours Gone… (Priorities and values)
- Taking the Time to Build Family Memories (Legacies, building)
- Taking the Time for Relationships (Relationships)
- Taking the Time to Influence Institutions (Influence, on institutions)
- Taking the Time to Reach out to Others (Reach out)
- NOW is the Time to Make a Difference (Act on priorities)
Topical Index (alphabetical)
Abundance (Materialism) 2006 (ICF-7), 2017 (CJ-3)
Accompaniment 2018 (EM-7); 2020 (LA-6)
Accountability 2017 (CJ-6)
Act, on priorities 1996 (TTMD-6)
Action, the disciples call 2018 (EM-5)
Active Christianity 2019 (TG-1, TG-4)
Addiction 2015 (BLW-4)
Admonish, the sinner 2009 (WoM supplemental chapter)
Affirmation 1995 (FWH-3); 2019 (TG-3)
Aging (Respect for) 2007 (FCL-8), 2015 (BLW-5)
Aging parents, caring for them 2006 (CoA-2)
Anger – a Family Meeting 2001 (LSHF-11)
Anger Healing 2001 (LSHF-10)
Annulment (Secondary topic) 2008 (MMaD-2)
Anxiety, depression, suffering mental illness 2011 (SSF-9)
Balancing action and contemplation 2016 (MJ-7)
Bear wrongs patiently 2009 (WoM-10)
Beatitudes 2021 (whole book is on this)
Beatification/Canonization Process 2011 (SFF supplemental chapter)
Blessed Louis and Zellie Martin 2011 (SFF-2)
Boys, raising 2011 (SFF-8)
Brotherhood, masculinity (the value of) 2017 (LFGG-4)
Bullying 2011 (SFF-7) also 2015 (BLW-2)
CFM Past and Present (What every member should know) 2004 (HD-supplement)
Called, to holiness (secondary topics spiritual guides, discerning God’s will) 2011 (SFF-1); 1993 (GF-3)
Care, for the sick 2009 (WoM-7)
Caregiving 2019 (TG-2)
Catholics, fallen away 2016 (MJ-4)
Celebrations, value of 2004 (HD-10)
Charitable works 2009/2016 whole book(WoM); 2020 whole book (LA)
Child – remain as a child, our common condition 2017 (LFGG-10)
Child’s Perfect Love (obedience) 2017 LFGG – bonus online chapter
Child’s relationship with their father 2017 (LFGG-2)
Child’s relationship with their mother 2017 (LFGG-3)
Children, and the spousal relationship 2014 (OMSJ-3)
Children, all grown up and living together 2009, 2010 (CtW-7)
Children (welcoming them into the family) 2007 (FCL-2)
Children at risk (Opening our hearts) 2007 (FCL-5)
Children (inside the home) 1949 (FHF-9)
Children (outside the home) 1949 (FHF-8)
Children, supreme gift 2008 (MMaD-5)
Church of the Home 2004 (HD-1), 2014 (MWDC-1), 2017 (CJ-4)
Civic Responsibility 2017 (CJ-5), 2011 (SFF-3)
Clothe, the naked 2009 (WoM-5)
Comfort, the sorrowful 2009 (WoM-8)
Commitment (secondary topics infidelity, divorce) 2008 (MMaD-4), 2014 (MWDC-5), 2021 (LBT-6)
Common condition, we are children, remain as a child 2017 (LFGG-10)
Common good 2020 (LA-2); 2020 (LA-3)
Communication 2014 (OMWP-1); 2002 (YMGA-4); 2019 (TG-3)
Communion of the Saints 2009 (WoM-2)
Community, Fellowship 2012 (AF-2)
Community, making it a better place to live 1949 (FHF-12)
Community Meetings (for parishes, communities or any group of families) – See 2018 (EM)
Compassion 2021 (LBT-5)
Complementarity 2017 (LFGG-7), 2008 (MMaD-1)
Conflict, dealing with 1995 (FWH-8); 2002 (YMGA-5); 2019 (TG-5) ; 2021 (LBT-7)
Conflict, reconciliation 2004 (HD-3)
Consumerism 2015 (BLW-8), 2017 (CJ-3)
Contemplation 2021 (LBT-6)
Conversion, Discipleship, Stewardship 2013 (WHTT-1)
Cooperation, Sibling Rivalry 2017 (LFGG-6)
Counsel, the doubtful 2009 (WoM-1)
Couple Prayer/Spirituality 2014 (OMSJ-2)
Courage 2006 (ICF-10)
Courage of conviction, home and civic duty 2011 (SFF-3)
Covenantal love 2014 (OMSJ-1)
Creation, caring for 2020 (LA-7)
Criticism 1995 (FWH-4); 2019 (TG-3)
Cultural and racial differences 2015 (BLW-2)
Depression, suffering, anxiety, mental illness 2011 (SSF-9)
Despair and Hope 2016 (MJ-3)
Digital World, Connectivity and our children 2013 (CCL-3)
Digital World, Finding Solitude and giving our full attention 2013 (CCL-1)
Digital World, Intimacy and Privacy, your marriage and social media 2013 (CCL-2)
Dignity (value of each person) 2007 (FCL-3); 2011 (SFF-7); 2015 (BLW-2); 2020 (LA-1)
Disabilities 2007 (FCL-4)
Discerning God’s will 2011 (Secondary topic SFF-1) and 2011 (SSF-10); 1993 (GF-7)
Disciple, choosing to be 2014 (FHF-8)
Disciple, called to be 2018 (EM-1)
Discipleship 2013 (WHTH-8)
Discipleship for the family 2004 (HD – whole book on this topic); 2018 (EM-2)
Discipleship through CFM 2018 (EM – whole book on this topic)
Discipline/love/example 2001 (LSHF-4)
Discouragement (in the apostolate) 1949 (FHF-14)
Division, Reconciliation 2012 (AF-6)
Divorce 2008 (secondary topic MMaD-4) 2014 (MWDC-5)
Domestic Church 2014 (MWDC-1); 2017 (CJ-4); secondary topic 2008 (MMaD-7); 2018 (EM-2); 2019 (TG -1)
Domestic violence 2008 (secondary topic of MMaD-6)
Doubt and Faith 2016 (MJ-3)
Education through action 2018 (EM-4)
Elderly, respect for 2015 (BLW-5), 2007 (FCL-8)
Empty nest, making the most of it 2008 (CoA-1)
Empty nest, where have all the children gone 2009, 2010 (CtW-1)
Encouragement 1993 (GF-2)
Entitlement, consumerism, exclusion 2015 (BLW-8)
Equipping the called 2016 (MJ-8); 1993 (GF-2)
Estrangement from the Church, 2016 (MJ-4)
Evangelism 2012 (AF-8), 2016 (MJ-8)
Evangelization by the laity 2018 (EM-3)
Environment, concerns 2020 (LA-7)
Faith, Risk, failure, growth 1993 (GF-9)
Faith, growth and sharing 2014 (FHF-6) also 2012 (AF-4)
Faith, Passing it on to spouse and children 2014 (MWDC -3), (secondary topic) 2011 (SFF-2), 2017 bonus
Chapter (online only)
Family, as church 1995 (FWH-12), 2017 (CJ-4)
Family, building 2004 (HD-2)
Family, extended (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, in-laws, godparents/godchildren) 2017 (LFGG-9);
2002 (YMGA-9)
Family Prayer/Spirituality 1995 (FWH-6); 2019 (TG-7)
Family Table 2014 (MWDC – all chapters talk about in relation to reflecting the altar)
Families, are Holy 1995 (FWH -1)
Families of disciples 2018 (EM-2)
Families as evangelizers 2019 (TG-1)
Father – Family Obligations of 1949 (FHF-11)
Fathers 2016 (MJ-5)
Fathers – relationship with them 2017 (LFGG-2)
Fatherhood (and support of it) 2001 (LSHF-9)
Fear (Post Traumatic Stress) 2006 (ICF-10)
Feed, the hungry 2009 (WoM-3)
Femininity, sisterhood (the value of) 2017 (LFGG-5)
Fidelity 2021 (LBT-6)
Following Jesus’ lead 2018 (EM-1)
Forgive, offenses 2009 (WoM-10)
Forgiveness (See also Reconciliation) 2018 (EM-6)
Formation through action 2018 (EM-4)
Freedom, religious 2015 (BLW-1)
Friendship 2016 (MJ-1)
Fun 2019 (TG-8)
Gender 2017 (LFGG-7)
Gifts, using them 1993 (GF-Whole book is on this, including affirmation celebration)
Give, drink to the thirsty 2009 (WoM-4)
God’s love, marriage as an example 2008 (MMaD-1) and 2008 (MMaD-3)
Godparents/godchildren, relationship with (extended family) 2017 (LFGG-9)
Good Samaritan (choosing to be) 2007 (FCL-7)
Grace in marriage 2014 (MWDC-5)
Grandparents, relationship with (extended family) 2017 (LFGG-9)
Grandparent/grandchild families 2015 (BLW-7)
Grandparenting, building bonds 2009 (CoA-5)
Grief 2021 (LBT-2)
Healing and Forgiveness – Evening of Reflection 2001 (LSHF-12)
Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit 2012 (AF-1)
Homelessness 2009 (WoM-6)
Honesty – Family Meeting 2001 (LSHF-3)
Hope (secondary topics suffering, depression, anxiety, mental illness) 2011 (SSF-9)
Hospitality 2016 (MJ-6)
Housing 1949 (FHF-7)
Humility 2021 (LBT-3)
Identity, Purpose, Self-Esteem, Self-Concept 2017 (LFGG-1); 1993 (GF-2); 2002 (YMGA-2)
Illness and Death (coming to grips) 2007 (FCL-9)
Immigration, prejudice 2011(secondary topic of SFF-5)
Inclusion (Welcoming) 2006 (ICF-4)
Infidelity 2008 (secondary topic of MMaD-4)
Influence (on institutions) 1996 (TTMD-4)
In-laws, relationship with (parents, grandparents, godparents/godchildren) 2017 (LFGG-9)
Innocence, loss of 2001 (LSHF-13)
Instruct, the ignorant 2009 (WoM-1)
Intentionality 2006 (ICF); 2019 (TG) – whole books
Intercession 2016 (MJ-1) (MJ-5)
Interreligious/mixed marriages 2006 (ICF-6)
Intimacy – between who? 2017 (LFGG-8)
Intimacy, sharing ourselves 2004 (HD-6)
Intimacy, issues of love, sex and aging (in the later years) 2006 (CoA-3)
Justice 2020 (LA-4)
Kindness 2007 (FCL-7)
Lay apostolate, in collaboration with the clergy 2018 (EM-3); 2018 (EM-4)
Legacies, building 1996 (TTMD-2)
Leisure, 1995 (FWH-10); 2019 (TG-8)
Life (Dignity and value of each) 2007 (FCL-3)
Life (in Christ – gift) 2007 (FCL-1)
Life Issues 2007 (FCL – whole book on this topic)
Living in the world 2014 (FHF-5)
Love and Family 2001 (LSHF-1)
Love, by God 2014 (FHF-1)
Love (obedience) 2017 LFGG – bonus online chapter
Loving the marginalized/outcast 2011 (SFF-7) also 2015 (BLW-2) also 2007 (FCL-3)
Lukewarmness 1993 (GF-11)
Making a difference 1988 (TTMD-whole book); 1996 (TTMD-whole book); 2020 (LA-8)
Male and Female Complementarity 2017 (LFGG-7), 2008 (MMaD-1),
Marriage, a process, like multiple marriages with the same person 2008 (MMaD-9)
Marriage, complementarity (Secondary topic same sex unions) 2008 (MMaD-1), 2017 (LFGG-7)
Marriage, Covenant 2008 (MMaD–2)
Marriage, Evidence of God’s Love 2008 (MMaD-1), 2014 (MWDC-4)
Marriage, ideas to create a communal marriage celebration 2008 (MMaD-10)
Marriage, Living the example of God’s love 2008 (MMaD-3)
Marriage, Mixed/Interreligious 2006 (ICF-6)
Marriage, mutual respect (secondary topics struggling marriages, domestic violence) 2008 (MMaD-6)
Marriage, promotes health for individuals, children, society 2008 (MMaD-8)
Marriage, rite of 2002 (YMGA-1)
Marriage, wholeness 1995 (FWH-2)
Masculinity, brotherhood (the value of) 2017 (LFGG-4)
Materialism 2017 (CJ-2), 2006 (ICF-7),
Media (Management) 2006 (ICF-9)
Meekness 2021 (LBT-3)
Meeting (Write/Create your own) 2006 (ICF-8)
Meeting Christ in Others 2016 (MJ-6)
Mercy 2021 (LBT-5)
Mental illness, anxiety, depression, suffering 2011 (SSF-9) also 2015 (BLW-5)
Mindfulness 1993 (GF-7)
Ministry to those who are different than ourselves (secondary topics prejudice, immigration) 2011(SFF-5),
also 2015 (BLW-5)
Miracles 2012 (AF-3)
Mission 2016 (MJ-8); 2002 (YMGA-12)
Mobile Family (Moving) 1995 (FWH-11)
Money Management (See also Abundance, Consumerism, Entitlement, Materialism, Stewardship, Wealth)
2014 (OMWP-3); 2002 (YMGA-7); in retirement 2009, 2010 (CtW-6), 2015 (BLW-8)
Morals/Values, Teaching 2001 (LSHF-2)
Mothers – relationship with them 2017 (LFGG-3)
Mourning 2021 (LBT-2)
Neighborhood 1949 (FHF-1)
Neighborhood Problems 1949 (FHF-2)
Neighborliness 1949 (FHF – 4)
Neighbors, getting acquainted 1949 (FHF-3)
Newcomers 1949 (FHF-5)
Obedience 2017 LFGG – bonus online chapter
Obstacles, Overcoming 2016 (MJ-4)
Parent/child relationship 1949 (FHF-10)
Parenting, Building Happier Families 2013 (WGMP-1)
Parenting, Love and Communication 2013 (WGMP-2)
Parenting, Respecting Differences 2013 (WGMP-3)
Parenting, Sacramental Foundations 2013 (WGMP-4)
Parenting, Tips and Techniques 1995 (FWH-5)
Parents, aging, caring for them 2009 (CoA-2)
Parents, relationship with (grandparents, aunts and uncles, in-laws, godparents/godchildren) 2017 (LFGG-9)
Parish 1949 (FHF-13)
Patience 2009 (WoM 10)
Peace 2015 (BLW-2)
Persecution 2021 (LBT-8)
Politics 2017 (CJ-5)
Pornography 2015 (BLW-3) (BLW-4 deals with addictions)
Possessions and children 2001 (LSHF-6)
Post Traumatic Stress 2006 (ICF-10)
Poor, preferential option 2020 (LA-4)
Poverty 2009 (WoM-3, 4, 5, 6)
Pray, for the Living and the Dead 2009 (WoM-2)
Prayer, forms practiced by the saints 2011 (SFF-6)
Praying as a Family, Family Spirituality, 1995 (FWH-6)
Praying together 2004 (HD-5), Couple prayer/spirituality (OMSJ-2); 2002 (YMGA-11)
Preferential option 2020 (LA-4)
Priorities/Values 1996 (TTMD-1)
Priorities 2001 (LSHF-7); 1993 (GF-10)
Prioritizing time with your spouse (OMWP-2)
Prison Ministry (WoM-9)
Procreation (secondary topics NFP, contraception) 2008 (MMaD-5)
Purpose, Identity, Self-Esteem, Self-Concept 2017 (LFGG-1)
Racial and cultural differences (BLW-2)
Reach Out 1996 (TTMD-4); 2019 (TG-4)
Reconciliation 1993 (GF-5); 2004 (HD-3); 2018 (EM-6); 2019 (TG-5); 2021 (LBT-7)
Recommitment 2002 (YMGA-13)
Refreshment 1993 (GF-7)
Relationships 1996 (TTMD-3); 2014 (FHF-4)
Relationships 2017 (LFGG - Whole book is on this)
Relying on God 2021 (LBT-1)
Responding to God (secondary topic discerning God’s will) 2011 (SSF-10)
Responsibility (and rights) 2020 (LA-3)
Responsibility, Shared, Roles 1995 (FWH-7)
Responsibility, taking 1993 (GF-4)
Responsibility, Teaching 2006 (ICF-2)
Rest 2019 (TG-8)
Retirement, a new beginning 2006 (CoA-4)
Retirement, a new kind of presence at home 2009, 2010 (CtW-2)
Retirement, for everything there is a season, facing our diminished lives together 2009, 2010 (CtW-5)
Retirement, in sickness and health, restructuring dreams 2009, 2010, (CtW-4)
Retirement, opportunities for service, 2009, 2010 (CtW-3)
Retirement, for richer for poorer, starting from now 2009, 2010 (CtW-6)
Righteousness 2021 (LBT-4)
Rights (and responsibility) 2020 (LA-3)
Risk, failure, growth 1993 (GF-9)
Roles, Responsibility Shared 1995 (FWH-7); 2002 (YMGA-3)
Romance, keeping it and vitality in your marriage 2014 (OMWP-4); 2002 (YMGA-10)
Sabbath 2019 (TG-7)
Sacramental sign/grace 2014 (OMSJ-1)
Sacrifice 2021 (LBT-8)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 2011 (SFF-5)
St. Damien 2011 (SFF-7)
St. Francis of Assisi 2011 (SFF-6)
St. Francis deSales 2011 (SFF-1)
St. John Bosco 2011 (SFF-8)
St. John Neumann 2011 (SFF-5)
St. Joseph 2011 (SFF-10)
St. Josephine Bakhita 2011 (SFF-9)
St. Louis and Zellie Martin 2011 (SFF-2) – written while blessed, before canonized
St. Mary 2011 (SFF-10)
St. Monica 2011 (SFF-2)
St. Paul 2011 (SFF-4)
St. Peter2011 (SFF-4)
St. Therese of Avila 2011 (SFF-6)
St. Theodore Guerin 2011 (SFF-5)
St. Thomas More 2011 (SFF-3)
Same sex unions 2008 (secondary topic of MMaD-1)
Same sex parent families 2015 (BLW-7)
Self-Concept, Self Esteem, Identity, Purpose 2017 (LFGG-1); 2002 (YMGA-2)
Self-Esteem, Self-Concept, Identity, Purpose 2017 (LFGG-1); 2002 (YMGA-2)
Self-Respect – Family Meeting 2001 (LSHF-5)
Self-stewardship 2013 (WHTT-2)
Service 2014 (FHF-7); 2018 (EM-5) the disciples call to service; 2019 (TG-4); 2020 (LA-8)
Serving Together 2004 (HD-8)
Serving Together as a couple 2014 (OMSJ-4)
Sexualization, Over 2015 (BLW-3)
Sexual Oneness 2002 (YMGA-8)
Shelter, the homeless 2009 (WoM-6)
Sibling Rivalry, Cooperation 2017 (LFGG-6)
Simplicity 2013 (WHTT-4)
Single parent families 2015 (BLW-7)
Sisterhood, femininity (the value of) 2017 (LFGG-5)
Small Faith Communities 2018 (EM-8)
Social Inquiry Method (Value of) 2018 (EM-4)
Social Justice 2020 whole book (LA)
Solidarity 2013 (WHTT-6); 2018 (EM-7); 2020 (LA-6)
Special People (Special gifts, special needs and disabilities) 2007 (FCL-4)
Spirit of Action 2012 (AF supplement)
Spiritual guides, discerning God’s will 2011 (Secondary topic of SFF-1)
Spirituality, Family, Prayer 1995 (FWH-6)
Stereotypes 2016 (MJ-2)
Stewards of our families 2013 (WHTT-5)
Stewards of nature 2013 (WHTT-7)
Stewardship, charitable contributions 1993 (GF-8)
Stewardship 2013 (WHTT – whole book on this topic) 2017 (CJ-6)
Stress (Health and Well-being) 2007 (FCL-6)
Struggling marriages 2008 (secondary topic of MMaD-6)
Subsidiarity 2020 (LA-2)
Suffering 2012 (AF-5), 2011 (SSF-9), 2014 (MWDC-2); 2021 (LBT-8)
Talents, charisms stewardship 2013 (WHTT-3)
Teaching Love 2004 (HD-4)
Technology (taming) 2006 (ICF-5) see also 2013 CCL mini-series; 2019 (TG-6)
Teens 1995 (FWH-9)
Time (for family) 2006 (ICF - 1)
Time stewardship 2014 (FHF-2); 2002 (YMGA-6); 1993 (GF-10)
Traditions, family 2014 (FHF-3)
Trust in God 2012 (AF-7)
Unity, among Christians 2011 (SFF-4)
Violence 2015 (BLW-2)
Visit, the imprisoned 2009 (WoM-9)
Vocation of the Laity 2018 (EM-3)
Vocation of Marriage (Its value) 2006 (ICF-3)
Vocation of Parenting 2001 (LSHF-8)
Vocations (religious) in the family 2004 (HD-9) also 2011 (SFF-2)
Volunteering 2019 (TG-4)
Vulnerable 2020 (LA-4)
Ways to Grow CFM in your Parish 2012 (AF supplement)
Wealth (consumerism, exclusion, self-entitlement) 2015 (BLW-8)
Welcoming 2004 (HD-7)
Welcoming the fallen away and the estranged 2016 (MJ-4)
Welcoming the stranger, 2016 (MJ-2)
Witnessing 2012 (AF-4)
Work, balance 2017 (CJ-1)
Work, fairness 2017 (CJ-2)
Work/workers (dignity of) 2020 (LA-5)
Works of Mercy, Spiritual and Corporal 2009 (WoM whole book on this topic)
Family Meetings/Children’s Programming
Honesty – Family Meeting 2001 (LSHF-3)
Self-Respect – Family Meeting 2001 (LSHF-5)
Anger – a Family Meeting 2001 (LSHF-11)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Children/Family Program 2012 (AF supplement)
Group Specials
Healing and Forgiveness – Evening of Reflection 2001 (LSHF-12)
Family Fun (for groups of families) 1995 (FWH-6B)
Marriage, ideas to create a communal marriage celebration 2008 (MMaD-10)
Prayer for the Kitchen Table 2014 (FHF supplement) (MWDC supplement)
Reflection for Families 1995 (FWH-13)
Writing your Own Meeting
Meeting (Write/Create your own) 2006 (ICF-8)